My Fifth Blog Post

Class Activity

Sound Editing Techniques

Theme: Escape, Anxiety, Tension

Digital Design Project 1 Draft


My self portrait named after myself, Evanthia, has been my inspiration to exhibit my personal attributes through nature, art and music. Evanthia, which means flower blossoming, from the Greek translation, closely depicts who I am and the aspects of my interests. Throughout the film, an original soundtrack composed by myself has been added to convey my interest in instrumental and classical music, with a minimal amount of notes and transitions in melody, as it is more so, the sentiment and deciphering of a piece's delicately composed array of emotions. The concept of this self portrait is to depict nature in all of its forms, however while flora is the main theme, I also added a small moment of tadpoles in a pond, bringing about a connection to the smaller details within a larger picture, as these small creatures were only visible once I carefully took heed of their small environment close to the lilypads. While I did not include my final scene in this draft, my main intention was to finally present my piano and a Claude Monet artwork, Water Lillies, which hangs above it. The connection of music and art would be clearly represented in this scene, another aspect of my personal interest in aligning musical instruments with the beauty of nature. The art piece, Water Lillies, is closley depicted in two scenes, one with the tadpoles and the other with pink flowers around them, a small hint to their relation to this artwork. Through my self portrait film I hope the audience may feel at peace, engulfed by the subtle natural sound effects and in awe of the smallest details of nature in all of its forms.